All purchase orders can be found on the intranet site Link 4 Learning at This is a password protected site, so please use log in with your assigned user name and password.
A purchase order must be completed and approved for all LMC purchases. The account code chart is in the LMS Handbook binder and the file cabinet. Please fill out purchase orders completely and accurately for each school. The LOC code for Riverview is 102 and the LOC code for Redgranite is 101. Since the 4K collection for the Wautoma Early Learning Center is "housed" at Riverview, the same LOC code (102) is used on the 4K orders.
OBJ codes:
*The circulation system support for Spectrum is OBJ code 310. This is only paid by Riverview but used for both elementary schools.
Copies of our tax exempt form are located in the LMS Handbook binder and in the file. Additional copies may be made or gotten from the District office. This number is frequently used on orders.
Put a copy of the completed Purchase Order, along with a copy of the order in the LMC Budget notebook for the corresponding year (or in the corresponding file).
Purchase orders are first approved by the building principal and then by the district Business Manager. Any questions regarding the complettion of purchase orders or the payment of invoices can be directed to one of the following people:
Ann Fajfer, Riverview principal..........ext. 4014
Clyde Simonson, Redgranit principal......ext. 2001
Veronica , WASD Business Manager.......ext.
Karen Harke, WASD Bookkeeper.............ext.